Maggie is My Name and Blogging is my Game

Raise and nurture was created to spread love, compassion, and positivity. Finding the perfect domain name that encompasses what I want to share wasn't easy. In fact, it took me forever to choose this domain name. The ones I wanted were all taken--one of them was even used for a porn-ish site. Que horror!

Fortunately, I have good friends whom I could pester for name suggestions. Yes, I'm really bad at naming things like domain names and even dog names. Yes, it also took me forever to find the perfect name for my son. It took so long that I was still deciding on a name while in labor. It's funny when I think about it--actually, it's just funny. lol

So, I guess by now you already know what kind of person I am, but let's start things right.

Hi! My name is Maggie, the mother of a clingy, strong-willed toddler and a breastfeeding advocate. Sometimes, I feel like I created a monster then I realize that I just created a mini version of myself--which kinda validates the 'I created a monster' part. lol

I chose to leave my career as a Software Quality Engineer in the corporate world so I can take care of my son. For someone who has always supported herself, this was not an easy decision, but sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. However, being the control freak that I am, I cannot just sit back. I also have bills to pay. So, I started looking for alternative sources of income. That's when I turned my passion for writing into a career.

So, now I'm a freelance writer. That has been my bread and butter since leaving the corporate world. Oh, hey! If you want me to write for you, you can send me a message using the contact form you see on the right. I'd love to handle the content of your website or you can reach me at